Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Somber Anniversary

As September 11th approaches and we prepare to give pause to remember the events of that day on this the 10th anniversary, it is imperative that we continue to be vigilant. There are news reports of how Al Qaeda is attempting to infiltrate our nations technology infrastructure ... mostly utilities ... in hopes of causing more panic and mayhem. Utility companies are being asked to increase physical security and take steps to increase their cyber-security. We must remember these terrorists have not given up. They are still bent on our destruction.

In light of this I think it only prudent to put out a call to all Americans to stay vigilant. During these days and weeks as we approach the 10th anniversary we all need to have a heightened sense of awareness as it regards our own personal cyber-security. Be extra cautious about opening emails that look suspicious. Be wary of links in emails. Beware of attachments. And be extra observant when using banking & financial institutions web sites to be sure they have not been 'hacked' or hijacked.

I'm not saying to ignore messages or delete attachments. But rather to take an extra few seconds to be certain that email is really coming from the person you think it is. Make certain your anti-virus software is properly installed and working. Make sure you are using a good quality hardware and software firewall. Make sure your operating system and application software is updated with all the current patches. Take all the steps necessary to protect yourself from those who would seek to harm you and this great nation we call home. The data you save may be your own!

God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

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